Diagnosis and treatment

Your acupuncture treatment will be tailored uniquely and individually to you, to fit your specific needs. We learn a lot about you during the diagnosis and we build on this at every treatment. We take into account your work-life, relationship, family, diet, lifestyle as well as your physical, mental and spiritual state to understand your condition fully.

The first treatment often involves a cleansing or detox treatment, which prepares you for further treatments and healing.

Only sterile, disposable, single-use needles are used.

We also use Moxibustion (moxa) which is a type of heat therapy where we burn mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) on the skin’s surface. Other treatments may also include Cupping, GuaSha, Tuina massage and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

A typical course of treatment would be a weekly appointment for three to four weeks, progressing to fortnightly and then proceeding to longer intervals as necessary.  We recommend a minimum of 6 treatments.  Our aim is to gradually increase the gap between treatments until we reach the ‘maintenance’ stage of treatment when we will work on keeping you healthy in a preventative sense. Most patients then continue to visit us once a season, or when life suddenly presents challenges we struggle to cope with.

For fertility treatments we recommend coming for treatment for a period of 3 to 4 months (the time it takes for an egg or sperm to mature) to help prepare for pregnancy. Some pregnancies happen much sooner, some take longer, every individual is different.


Some common conditions we see in our clinics: Anxiety, addiction, asthma, arthritis, back tension, brain fog, burnout, cancer support, chronic fatigue, colds and flu, depression, eczema and psoriasis, female & male infertility, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder, grief, hayfever, hormonal imbalance, headaches, insomnia, immune disorders, IBS, IVF support, low-libido, low self-esteem, peri/menopause symptoms, migraines, morning sickness, neuropathy, panic attacks, PCOS, post-operative pain, PMS, pregnancy support, PTSD, relationship issues, seasonal affective disorder, sinusitis, stress, stroke, substance misuse, trauma, urinary issues, vertigo.